23 06, 2021

The Continental, designed by Nick Dryden, showcases local artisans


Local artisans, Brock's photography, complement cuisine Photography by Emily Dorio When diners visit The Continental, the latest restaurant from chef Sean Brock, not only will they get to indulge in Brock’s exciting exploration of contemporary cuisine at the Grand Hyatt hotel in the Nashville Yards development, they will also get an inside look at Brock’s love of art, showcased

The Continental, designed by Nick Dryden, showcases local artisans2021-06-23T04:05:56-07:00
12 12, 2017

Home Base


Nashville’s chefs show us where they recharge at home Story by Jim Myers Photography by Pam Monaghan Professional restaurant kitchens are epicenters of nightly battles. What looks like chaos is really a well-trained team executing the orders of a general, the executive chef. At least that’s how it’s supposed to work. Sometimes the chaos is real, the scars from flames

Home Base2018-07-20T03:59:12-07:00
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