From the Publisher

Hollie Deese
I’ll be honest – I started and stopped this letter many times before I hit file. Which is basically a metaphor about how I have felt the past few months, and most likely, how a lot of you have felt too. A burst of creativity or spark of drive to somehow improve on everything while life was put on pause just as quickly turned to inaction as decisions became harder to make with a future so uncertain.
But then I was able to come back to this issue after some weeks of reflection, and I got to revisit the content we had been working on in a whole new light, before everything changed.
Like the long-lasting friendship between Abigail Breslin and Emily Bache, better known as The Wanderlust Girls. Wardrobe stylists and fashion bloggers, the pair met in seventh grade and have been best friends for 20 years. After moving to Madison a few years ago, Abigail helped Emily through an unexpected cancer diagnosis that hammered home just how important they were to each other – and readied them to tackle 2020 with a renewed fervor after surviving the worst year of their lives.
It also made me look at the minuscule paper creations artist Jessica Saylor makes for her business Tiny Towns in a much more meaningful way as we watch beloved mainstays shut their doors, perhaps permanently. By capturing a business as paper art, she is documenting all the work and emotion someone puts into a dream that can be gone in an instant. But the art is a reminder of what was once achieved.
And we couldn’t welcome Circa Lighting to town at a more needed time, after weeks of life indoors we see now just how important the right light is for our mindset, our workflow and our sanity. Our feature focusing on different spaces where families gather hammers home how Circa helps create a mood that certainly feels like it means more than ever.
This season we hope you are finding refuge in your own homes, connecting with family and using spaces in a whole new way as we all hold on tight to what is really important.


At Nashville Interiors, we believe very simply that life is lived at home. So it is important to make that home the absolute best it can be – livable, lovely and filled with loads of inspiring touches that make four walls and a roof so much more. Everything should enhance, not detract, and if it makes the day-to-day that much easier, even better.
In print since 2000 but under new ownership since 2017, that philosophy of making your home should be a place you can’t wait to escape to is evident in our pages and online as we seek to highlight the spaces that inspire, created by the best builders, artists, designers, artisans, architects and landscapers who are all responsible for making Middle Tennessee more beautiful.