18 04, 2016

All Inclusive Design


Joanna Goodman is passionate about good design and knows that an ‘all inclusive’ approach results in a masterpiece. “I love what I do,” says the director Interiors for Nashville-based Christopher Architecture and Interiors. “Our approach translates into a cohesive and elegant product for our clients.” “What we offer is unique, because we design the entire property in-house,” Goodman adds. “We

All Inclusive Design2017-10-27T07:52:26-07:00
18 04, 2016

Refining Dreams


Nashville area home builders know their best work becomes an intimate part of each family’s story from the moment they walk a property and look at the views, to the discussions about how to transition from a nuclear family to caring for an aging parent. Home builders help buyers refine their dreams by bringing the abstract concepts of architecture and

Refining Dreams2017-10-27T07:52:26-07:00
17 04, 2016

Castle Homes: Elevating the Family Room


Photo credit: Alyssa Rosenheck For 23 years, design-build firm Castle Homes has been expanding the idea of home as a comfort zone, a warm and welcoming gathering space for families, a place that serves as a sanctuary, and for others a resort experience. In the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area Castle Homes are recognized for their attention to design features

Castle Homes: Elevating the Family Room2017-10-27T07:52:26-07:00
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