23 06, 2021

The Continental, designed by Nick Dryden, showcases local artisans


Local artisans, Brock's photography, complement cuisine Photography by Emily Dorio When diners visit The Continental, the latest restaurant from chef Sean Brock, not only will they get to indulge in Brock’s exciting exploration of contemporary cuisine at the Grand Hyatt hotel in the Nashville Yards development, they will also get an inside look at Brock’s love of art, showcased

The Continental, designed by Nick Dryden, showcases local artisans2021-06-23T04:05:56-07:00
20 05, 2020

Textures Nashville podcast dedicated to stories behind spaces


Luxury flooring leader and tenant in Wedgewood-Houston’s new Nashville Design Collective, Textures Nashville launched a weekly podcast, “Couture and Construction,” in March, dedicated to the people and stories behind beautiful places. The weekly podcast – recorded live in the Textures Nashville Showroom – features conversations with interior designers, architects and luxury builders with the aim to inspire, educate and

Textures Nashville podcast dedicated to stories behind spaces2020-05-20T07:31:02-07:00
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