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Timur Akhriev, ‘Portrait of Ray Kronenberg’ oil on linen received an award of excellence from the OIl Painters of America National Juried Show in Dallas at Southwest Gallery

Open House Friday, June 10 5:30 pm
CHATTANOOGA. A new landmark building on
Chattanooga’s Southside art district will open its doors to the public for the first time with its celebration, ‘Art & Architecture.’ Wheelhouse will be the setting for a night of fine art and music at the open house Friday, June 10, at 5:30 p.m. Wheelhouse is located at 1216 East Main Street. Locals may know Wheelhouse as the former site of Custom Werks Graphics, but the large structure has been transformed.
Wheelhouse is the new worksite for award-winning H+K Architects of Chattanooga. Owners Heidi Hefferlin and Craig Kronenberg have partnered with international art dealer Natasha Romanova with Romanova Art to present works by 19 contemporary artists available for purchase. The works will be introduced at the opening reception and can also be viewed by appointment throughout June.
Artists featured at Wheelhouse include new works by a mix of the international clients Natasha Romanova regularly represents, as well as other Chattanooga artists.

Antony Squizzato ‘Dodge Island’
Wheelhouse artists:
Cynthia Watson
Cindy Procious
Melissa Hefferlin
Daud Akhriev
Timur Akhriev
Devon Kronenberg
Yuri Ozaki
Justin Butts
Ady Caloca
Laura Little
Meri Wright
Claire Bloomfield
Adam Kirby
Heath Montgomery
Josiah Golson
Jas Milam
Caleb Goggans
Miki Boni
Antony Squizzato
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